Helping customers to paint their future home in the mind for Oyolife
The product detail page has served as the point of purchase from the earliest days of e-commerce. The page helps the user to make a buying decision by providing information about the product.
While designing the product detail page for Oyolife. I have realized It is necessary to customize Oyolife’s product page based on customers' journey and their feedback. Also, keep in mind that 80% of the traffic on the site is driven by SEO.
First step was User Research
Understanding the user’s pain points during the journey to find a co-living space or a rented house has helped me to gain the context of how they finalise a property online.
After talking to 5 users, I figured all of them had failed to make a picture of the Oyolife property as a lack of information on the website can affect their decision to show interest to view or book that property online.
I was looking answers for to these questions from user research
- Why & when do they look for co-living space online?